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Environmental Services


There is an estimated 50 billion pieces of litter in America's roadways & rivers, so it doesn't come as a surprise that 90% of US residents agree that litter is a problem in their state. Trash & debris left in the streets will likely never be removed, leaching chemicals & microplastics into your food & water.

At EnvioTEC, our passion for the environment combined with our intense dedication for creating solutions makes us the perfect fit for your waste & litter problems. We ensure that all types of wastes are brought to proper facilities where they will be given a second life. Whether it's quick sweep or an overgrown pile of scrap, we're here to help you.

Climate Restoration

Gardening is hard work. Restoring acres of land & habitat requires a lot more than just an afternoon. It's no surprise that even local restoration events need lots of hands, supplies & a variety of people from different backgrounds.

If you need hands on or technical support, we're more than happy & ready to give you what we can.


As new issues regarding the environment are brought to light everyday, concerns over contaminated water, food, & air pollution are growing. People are beginning to realize that the massive corporations & organizations, who are solely responsible for a majority of these issues, cannot be trusted to provide information or reports on the very issues they attempt to deny exist. 

Whether you're just curious about your area's ecological health, or concerned about possible contaminants, we guarantee accurate & easy to understand reporting. We're capable of basic water, soil, & air tests, as well as detailed ecological reports.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Litter Pickup

Scrap metal 

Forest Preserves

Let us know what & where you need debris removed from & we'll remove it while trying to disturb the natural habitait as little as possible.


Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.

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